Robert Lohan CTA, FCA - DHKN Galway


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Robert Lohan CTA, FCA


Taxation Advice, Strategy & Planning


Robert Lohan is head of Taxation Services at DHKN.

Prior to joining DHKN in 2004 Robert specialised in tax with a “big 4” practice.

Robert has over 25 years experience in practice and has considerable expertise in all aspects of tax planning and advice across a broad range of industries.

Robert has written and lectured on a variety of tax principles.  He continues to present on topical tax matters at industry and client events.  He has been a member of a number of committees in the Irish Taxation Institute and was an examiner for professional exams.

Areas of expertise include:

  • Tax planning for individuals and corporates
  • Mergers, aquisitions and disposals
  • Property transactions
  • Cross-border tax planning
  • Succession planning
  • Revenue Audit
  • SME’s and Start-ups

Robert is a Chartered Tax Advisor with the Irish Tax Institute, a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland and a graduate of the University of Galway.

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